The YEI’s Mini Maker Fair is an interactive family friendly showcase of creativity and a celebration of STE(a)M Maker Movement.
Light Up Masks: Learn how to light up an LED and design your own superhero mask.
Take Apart and Build a Computer: Grab some tools and start disassembling electronic devices to create a fully functioning computer.
Beauty Science: Learn the science around using chemicals to create makeup, perfume and other cosmetics.
The Art of Fashion : Learn to solder and create you own tutu and e-textile patch.
Tshirt Making: No matter what your intended application may be, if you have never screen printed, you must first become familiar with the mechanics of the tool to print your own tshirt.
Art Robot: Learn how to make your very own art drawing electronic robot.
Individual Registration
*If you are registering a student group of 10 of more youth please scroll down to complete the group registration instead.
Group Registration